热电联产(共和人民党), 也被称为热电发电或热电发电, 对医院的吸引力越来越大.
Foremost, 共和人民党 offers efficiency benefits which translate to major utility savings over time. 第二个, it is a proactive step toward compliance with increasingly restrictive energy initiatives already afoot. 第三, we know cogen offers superior 防灾 due to less reliance on 网格-supplied power.
医院越来越依赖数据. IT革命正在进行中, especially since PPACA's "meaningful use" of 电子病历 (EMR) implementation deadline is coming up next year. 数据访问, 还有让它流动的能量, is a current debate topic in healthcare with many issues still to be decided.
我们对数据中心了解多少? 它们消耗大量电力. 它们产生大量的热量. 他们有权限控制. 他们有冗余,以确保连续运行.
A major selling point of 数据中心s is their mission to provide uninterrupted power and data connectivity. Hospitals need to be able to trust their 服务器 will be running and accessible as long as their 医院 is—and 医院s never close. 医疗保健系统服务器所在的位置, 而且大多数在地理上是分散的, those spaces must become the functional equivalent of a 医院's 数据中心.
正如前面提到的, a 医院 may not need the scale of 2000 to 3000 server cabinets and may not spend $5 million or more on electricity per year common for a typical 数据中心. Yet, 医院s need something—something more than a few electrical closets daisy-chained together.
不管这些服务器维护器是什么样子, their power source—and 24/7 access to your EMRs—should be a strategic discussion topic.
这就是氧气的用武之地. 共和人民党 can run off natural gas and is much less reliant on electricity from a utility. Natural gas is much less likely to be interrupted by a hurricane or tornado. If a healthcare system consolidates its data needs into one (or maybe two) facilities, those 数据中心s can be designed to run off 共和人民党—or at least be backed up by cogen power, thus providing a longer runway in the event of a 网格-power disruption. In addition, the 暖通空调 for those spaces can be connected to more reliable 共和人民党.
The real value of cogen for healthcare 数据中心s is the mitigation of potential risk. If a 数据中心's cooling system stops due to a power interruption, temperatures in the server area can rise by one degree every minute, Michael Poleshuk说, 高级数据中心运营总监, 在架构师. Even if that is extended to one degree every hour in a smaller 医院 set-up, a server meltdown is still imminent within a day or two of no power.
能源趋势一直在变化,包括在医疗保健领域. Hospitals may want to address strategies for utility and energy management to avoid an expensive wholesale swap-out later, or worse—a forensics discussion on what went wrong in the aftermath of the next disaster that recent history tells us could happen at any time.
For more information, contact 澳门足彩app Division Leader – 医疗保健 建设, 马克Allnutt.
澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有超过25个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.
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